Thursday, May 10, 2012

10 Spring Car Cleaning Tips To Get Ready For Summer!

Spring is here and Summer is on the way! The winter months can put quite hurtin' on your car or truck and to get the warm months started right we thought we'd lay out 10 helpful tips and tricks to get you car looking it's best. Many of you may have already done your Spring car cleaning, but a second run can't hurt!

1.) If you live in an area that sees a lot of snow during the winter the first you’ll want to do is spray off the undercarriage of your vehicle. Salt, sand, dirt and mud can build up down there and, if ignored, can cause your vehicle to rust! 
2.) Windshield wipers take a beating from snow and ice during the winter. It’s not a bad idea to replace them in the Spring to ensure you have the best visibility possible all summer long.

3.) Clean those carpets! You know they were hit with loads of road salt and slush all winter and could use a good scrub. Try to find the carpet cleaners with a scrub brush on the end – it can make a huge difference!

4.) Being blessed with such a mild winter could mean we’re in store very hot summer. To beat the heat make sure you’re A/C is charged up and ready to go or you might be caught sweating it out!

5.) Those new windshield wipers can’t always do the job alone. Make sure your wiper fluid is full so you’re not stuck with a dirty windshield on your way Up North!

6.) Another great way to keep the windshield crystal clear and streak free is by spraying it down with some RainX. A lot of times you can find it on sale and though may seem a little gimmicky, it really does make a difference!

7.) Dust off the dashboard! Just because you had your windows closed all winter doesn’t mean the dust stayed out and the longer it sits there the more aesthetic damage it can do to your car’s interior.

8.) Speaking of dust, did you know your car has a cabin air filter? This keeps the air in your car fresh and if you haven’t checked it lately you probably should - especially considering its allergy season.

9.) Bust out the turtle wax! Nothing makes a car look better than a fresh coat of wax. Not only will it shine like new, it will also protect your paint from dirt and the never-ending spring showers.

10.) Now that your car is all cleaned up its time to open the glove box. You know you crammed all sorts of junk in that thing over the winter, so pull it all out and start fresh. As long as your registration and proof of insurance are easy to get to you should be good!

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