You may wonder why you spend hundreds of dollars for your cars. You may get all crazy and blame society for the oil price hike just because your cars are making you broke.
Don't blame the society just yet. There are several simple ways of saving money on gasoline. You don't even have to buy additional equipments. All you have to do is follow these five simple routines.
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1) Replace the fancy gasoline with low-octane fuel
In filling up your car, make sure to buy the lowest grade of gasoline. However, choose the most appropriate gas for your automobile. Knowing which fuel works best for your car is always located in your owner's manual. Look it up.
Filling up your car with premium gasoline, even if it can be filled with low-octane fuel, is just a waste of money. Besides, not buying the high-octane gasoline won't boost your car's performance, anyway.
2) Remember to tighten the gas cap
Gas naturally evaporates from your car when the gas tank has an escape. According to the statistics, over 145 million gallons of gas evaporate yearly due to missing, damaged and loose gas caps. Why be one of those careless car owners? Tighten those gas caps now.
3) Air conditioning and shade
During summer, the intense sun can evaporate fuel instantly and make the insides of your car burn your skin up. For this reason, parking your car in the shade can be an effective gas-saving routine.
Besides, once you've parked your car in a shady place, using the gas-hogging air conditioning can be counted out. Just remember that air conditioning can drag your car's fuel economy by 10 to 20 percent.
However, when air conditioning is necessary, cool your car down by opening the windows, vents and sunroof. Turning on the air conditioning at full blast once you go into your car will definitely waste your money and gas.
4) Engine Care
A car that is out of tune or failed an emission test can drag your gas mileage down to up to 4 percent. Regular tune-ups as well as spark plug and air filter replacements can provide your car with over 30 percent of fuel efficiency.
5) Cars with good mileage
Buying cars with a good mileage is probably the most important tip in saving money on gas. To know which car provides good gas mileage, check with an unbiased car dealer.
Believe it or not, these five simple routines can stretch up your gas dollar. Try it now and let it become your daily habit.
If you have any questions about service, financing a vehicle, or any questions in general please feel free to Contact Us. We would be more than happy to answer any and all of your questions.
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